延續前文:[SQL Server] Parameter Sniffing: Local Variable
來個有趣的問題,給 SQL Server Developer:
以下這兩段 SQL Query,有何不同?
What's the difference between 01 and 02?

-- figure 01_Whats the difference between 01 and 02
大相徑庭 的 Execution Plan
- 即便回傳筆數相同
- 但 02. 使用 Local Variable

-- figure 02_Execution_Plan
換成是 Ad hoc Query,也受到 Local Variables / OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN 的影響,停用 Parameter Sniffing 。
"Local Variables / OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN"
Conditions | Query Optimizer only use |
equality: = | Rows * All density |
inequality: > , < , etc., | Rows * 30% |
- 使用 equality (等號),則 Query Optimizer 僅使用 density vector 來執行 Cardinality Estimation,也就是: Rows * All density。
- 使用 Inequality (不相等),則 Query Optimizer 連 density vector 也不用了,就直接設定資料列總數的 30% 來執行 Cardinality Estimation,也就是: Rows * 30% 。
Compare Match and Not match Execution Plan
以 Local Variables / OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN 為例:
若 ProductID = 897
- Not match Execution Plan, Bad
- 理想是 Logical Reads: 14,若改用 Local Variable,耗用增加到 1246,差距 89 倍。
- 原本是 CPU Time(sec): 0.000488000,若改用 Local Variable,耗用增加到 0.011253000,差距 23 倍。
Ad hoc Query: Local Variable and Without Local Variable
01. 檢視:資料表 Sales.SalesOrderDetail 與 Index 資訊。
- 資料表總筆數是:121,317 rows
-- figure 01_Get Table and Index Information

02. 檢視 依據 ProductID 分組資料
- ProductID = 897, return 2 rows.
- ProductID = 870, return 4688 rows.
-- figure 02_Query Data by ProductID

03. 執行查詢 WHERE ProductID = 897,檢視 Execution Plan
WHERE ProductID = 897
- Good Execution Plan
- return 2 row
- Index Seek: [IX_SalesOrderDetail_ProductID]
- Number of Rows Read: 2
- Actual Number of Rows: 2
- Estimated Number of Rows: 75.6667
- Estimated Number of Rows to be Read: 75.6667
-- figure 11_ProductID_897_Execution_Plan

Actual Number of Rows: 2
Number of Rows Read: 2
Estimated Number of Rows: 75.6667
-- figure 12_Estimated Number of Rows

04. 觀察 效能 STATISTICS 統計資訊: CPU, Disk IO
- LastElapsedTime(sec): 0.073422000
- LastCPUTime(sec)]: 0.000488000
- LastRows: 2
- EstimatedNumberofRows: 75.6667
- Last_logical_reads: 14
-- figure 13_Performance_Statistics

Ad hoc Query with Local Variable
01. 宣告 DECLARE @ProductID INT = 897:
- WHERE ProductID = @ProductID
- Use Local Parameter
觀察 Execution Plan:
@ProductID INT = 897
- Not match Execution Plan, Bad
- return 2 row
- Clustered Index Scan: [PK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderID_SalesOrderDetailID]
- Suggestion: Missing index ???
- Number of Rows Read: 121317
- Actual Number of Rows: 2
- Estimated Number of Rows: 456.079
- Estimated Number of Rows to be Read: 121317
-- figure 21_Ad hoc Query with Local Variable

- Actual Number of Rows: 2
- Number of Rows Read: 121317
- Estimated Number of Rows: 456.079
-- figure 22_Estimated Number of Rows

02. 觀察 效能 STATISTICS 統計資訊: CPU, Disk IO
- LastElapsedTime(sec): 0.028126000
- LastCPUTime(sec)]: 0.011253000
- LastRows: 2
- EstimatedNumberofRows: 456.079
- Last_logical_reads: 1246
-- figure 23_Performance_Statistics

Why does Estimated Number of Rows get 456.079 ?
為什麼是使用 EstimatedNumberofRows: 456.079 來評估建立 Execution Plan 呢?
01. Show Execution Plan XML,可以到相關的資訊。
-- figure 31_Show Execution Plan XML

02. 使用 DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS,顯示目前的 query optimization 的 statistics。
- Query Optimizer 使用 statistics 來預估 Cardinality (基數) 或 查詢結果中的資料列數,如此可讓 Query Optimizer 建立高品質的 Execution Plan。
- 舉例來說,Query Optimizer 可使用 Cardinality Estimates (CE) 估來選擇 Execution Plan 中的 index seek operator,而不是 index scan operator,避免發生 resource-intensive index scan 來提高查詢效能。
Query Optimizer 使用 statistics 物件中的相關資料來計算 Cardinality Estimates (CE) 。
DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS 可以顯示儲存在 statistics 物件中的資料,包含:
- Header (標頭)
- Density Vector (密度向量)
- Histogram (長條圖)
請參考 [SQL Server] Parameter Sniffing: OPTION OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN 2
- 在 Header(標頭)
- Rows: 121317
- 在 Density Vector (密度向量)
- All density: 0.0.003759399
-- figure 41_Displays Query Optimization statistics

03. 謎底揭曉:
- 0.003759399 * 121317 = 456.079008483,約等於 456.079。
-- figure 51_All density

當 Ad hoc Query with Local Variable and Equality Operator :
- 使用 equality (等號),則 Query Optimizer 僅使用 density vector 來執行 cardinality estimation,也就是: Rows * All density。
Ad hoc Query with Local Variable and Inequality Operator
Ad hoc Query and Inequality Operator
Use Inequality Operators, 使用 不相等
01. 執行查詢 WHERE ProductID > 897,檢視 Execution Plan
WHERE ProductID > 9999
- Good Execution Plan
- return 0 row
- Index Seek: [IX_SalesOrderDetail_ProductID]
- Number of Rows Read: 0
- Actual Number of Rows: 0
- Estimated Number of Rows: 1
- Estimated Number of Rows to be Read: 1
-- figure 61_Ad hoc Query and Inequality Operator

- Actual Number of Rows: 0
- Number of Rows Read: 1
-- figure 62_Estimated Number of Rows

03. 觀察 效能 STATISTICS 統計資訊: CPU, Disk IO
- LastElapsedTime(sec): 0.022990000
- LastCPUTime(sec)]: 0.000421000
- LastRows: 0
- EstimatedNumberofRows: 1
- Last_logical_reads: 2
-- figure 63_Performance_Statistics

Ad hoc Query with Local Variable and Inequality Operator
01. 宣告 DECLARE @ProductID INT > 9999:
- WHERE ProductID > @ProductID
- Use Local Parameter
- Use Inequality Operator
觀察 Execution Plan:
WHERE ProductID > @ProductID
- Not match Execution Plan, Bad
- return 0 row
- Clustered Index Scan: [PK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderID_SalesOrderDetailID]
- Number of Rows Read: 121317
- Actual Number of Rows: 0
- Estimated Number of Rows: 36395.1
- Estimated Number of Rows to be Read: 121317
-- figure 71_Ad hoc Query with Local Variable and Inequality Operator

- Actual Number of Rows: 0
- Number of Rows Read: 121317
- Estimated Number of Rows: 36395.1
-- figure 72_Estimated Number of Rows

02. 觀察 效能 STATISTICS 統計資訊: CPU, Disk IO
- LastElapsedTime(sec): 0.031641000
- LastCPUTime(sec)]: 0.009111000
- LastRows: 0
- EstimatedNumberofRows: 36395.1
- Last_logical_reads: 1246
-- figure 73_Performance_Statistics

為什麼是使用 EstimatedNumberofRows: 36395.1 來評估建立 Execution Plan 呢?
- 在 Header(標頭)
- Rows: 121317
-- figure 81_Displays Query Optimization statistics

-- 04. 謎底就是:
- Inequality: EstimatedNumberofRows is 30% of the rows
- 121317 * 0.3 = 36395.1
-- figure 82_EstimatedNumberofRows is 30

當 Ad hoc Query with Local Variable and Inequality Operator :
- Query Optimizer 一律都 僅 使用 Rows * 30% 方式來評估
也就是說,輸入什麼 parameter,回傳多少筆數,Query Optimizer 都不列入考量。
Sample Code
20180120_Ad hoc Query_Local Variable
[SQL Server] Parameter Sniffing: Local Variable