使用 sp_whoisactive,快速找出費時、耗資源的查詢。
作者: Adam Machanic - Microsoft MVP
sp_whoisactive Version 11.17 - October 18, 2016 (Box versions 2005-2016 only. NOT for Azure.)
SQL Server 2005 ~ 2016,不適用於 Azure。
若是 Azure SQL Database,請改用此版本:
sp_whoisactive for Azure SQL Database
-- EX01_sp_WhoIsActive:增加顯示 執行計畫、交易資訊、封鎖資訊等 USE master GO EXEC sp_WhoIsActive @get_plans=1, @get_transaction_info=1, @find_block_leaders=1 GO -- EX02_sp_WhoIsActive:增加顯示 執行計畫、交易資訊、封鎖資訊、系統資訊等 USE master GO EXEC sp_WhoIsActive @get_plans=1, @get_transaction_info=1, @find_block_leaders=1, @get_task_info=2 GO
[SQL Server] sp_whoisactive: find out long running queries (找出費時、耗資源的查詢) (2)
sp_whoisactive 參數說明
參數 | 說明 |
@get_plans = 1 |
If @get_plans = 1, gets the plan based on the request's statement offset
If @get_plans = 2, gets the entire plan based on the request's plan_handle
@get_locks = 1 |
增加顯示:XML 格式的執行計畫
Gets associated locks for each request, aggregated in an XML format
@get_transaction_info=1 |
增加顯示:交易紀錄檔寫入資訊 與 交易持續時間
Enables pulling transaction log write info and transaction duration
@find_block_leaders = 1 |
Walk the blocking chain and count the number of total SPIDs blocked all the way down by a given session
Also enables task_info Level 1, if @get_task_info is set to 0
@get_task_info = 2 |
增加顯示:active tasks, current wait stats, physical I/O, context switches, blocker, 檢視 CXPACKET wait 等
Get information on active tasks, based on three interest levels
Level 0 does not pull any task-related information
Level 1 is a lightweight mode that pulls the top non-CXPACKET wait, giving preference to blockers
Level 2 pulls all available task-based metrics, including: number of active tasks, current wait stats, physical I/O, context switches, and blocker information
sp_whoisactive 使用範例
範例 1:sp_WhoIsActive
-- 01_sp_WhoIsActive without any parameters USE master GO EXEC sp_WhoIsActive GO -- 02_sp_WhoIsActive SPID EXEC sp_WhoIsActive 64 GO -- 03_sp_WhoIsActive SPID EXEC sp_WhoIsActive 66 GO
-- 010_sp_WhoIsActive without any parameters

-- 011_sp_WhoIsActive without any parameters_2

-- 012_sp_WhoIsActive without any parameters_3

-- 013_sp_WhoIsActive without any parameters_4

-- 014_sp_WhoIsActive_SPID

-- 015_sp_WhoIsActive_SPID_2

-- 016_sp_WhoIsActive_SPID_3

-- 017_檢視_sql_text

範例 2:@get_plans:增加顯示 執行計畫
-- sp_WhoIsActive,@get_plans:增加顯示 執行計畫 USE master GO EXEC sp_WhoIsActive @get_plans = 1 GO
-- 018_增加顯示:執行計畫_get_plans

-- 019_增加顯示:執行計畫_get_plans_2

範例 3:@get_locks:增加顯示 XML 格式的執行計畫
-- sp_WhoIsActive,@get_locks:增加顯示 XML 格式的執行計畫 USE master GO EXEC sp_WhoIsActive @get_locks = 1 GO
-- 020_增加顯示:執行計畫_get_locks

範例 4:@find_block_leaders:增加顯示 封鎖鏈結、封鎖計數
-- sp_WhoIsActive,@find_block_leaders:增加顯示 封鎖鏈結、封鎖計數 USE master GO EXEC sp_WhoIsActive @find_block_leaders = 1 GO
-- 021_增加顯示封鎖鏈結_封鎖計數_find_block_leaders

範例 5:@get_task_info:增加顯示 active tasks, current wait stats, physical I/O, context switches, blocker, CXPACKET wait
-- sp_WhoIsActive,@get_task_info:增加顯示 active tasks, current wait stats, physical I/O, context switches, blocker, CXPACKET wait USE master GO EXEC sp_WhoIsActive @get_task_info = 2 GO
-- 022_增加顯示active tasks_current wait stats_physical IO_get_task_info

下載與安裝 sp_whoisactive
-- 200_sp_whoisactive_official_website

-- 201_who_is_active_v11_17.zip

-- 202_who_is_active_v11_17.sql

-- 203_Create_sp_WhoIsActive

-- 204_Create_sp_WhoIsActive

sp_whoisactive: The Big Fixes!
How to Use sp_WhoIsActive to Find Slow SQL Server Queries
sp_WhoIsActive utility for SQL Server troubleshooting
How to monitor Blocked Processes with SQL Alert and email sp_whoisActive report
How to Log Activity Using sp_whoisactive in a Loop
INF: Understanding and resolving SQL Server blocking problems
sp_whoisactive for Azure SQL Database
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